Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Choosing a good service pro for air duct cleaning in Palm Beach

Ventilation Duct
Choosing a right service provider for air duct cleaning in Palm Beach is paramount. You require a person who knows what he’s doing, who has worked on something like this before and who can be trusted. Here’s a thorough list of things you need to consider while looking for a company that offers air duct cleaning Palm Beach. 

1. Search Online: The easiest way to find such companies is internet search. Search for air duct cleaning in Palm Beach and you’ll be served with some businesses that offer this service. But be careful! Just because they’re on the top in search results doesn’t mean they’re the best.  

2. Do the research: Read reviews and recommendations to figure out how the company is, how are their services and how professional they’re.  

3. The golden ‘three’ rule: Follow the golden rule of asking at least three companies about their prices and service details and then pick one. 

4. Check what they claim: You can know a lot about a company just by what they claim on their sales pitch, posters, website, etc. For example, I suggest you stay away from a company that advertises air duct cleaning Palm Beach as a practice to stay away from health problems. There’s no substantial proof backing up this idea and hence, it’s a baseless claim. 

It could be anything like remove dust & debris, improve the efficiency of HVAC system, remove dead animals but not to improve your health.  

There’s a very accessible resource about air duct cleaning in Palm Beach, and that’s the EPA government website. Many people know about it and trust it. What service providers do is advertise themselves as EPA approved services. EPA itself states that they offer no such certifications and hence, it’s a false claim. Stay away from such service providers. 

5. Don’t allow them to use biocides or sealants: Just to increase the cost or God knows what reason, some service providers may suggest you to use chemical treatments to deal with mold growth inside the ducts. Don’t get me wrong. It may be required but in very rare cases. You shouldn’t go for it unless you have researched about the pros and cons of such chemical treatments.  

6. Setup an interview: It can be a telephonic interview, but it’s necessary to ask the service provider about his previous experiences, equipment, work procedure and former clients. A fraud will never be able to answer these questions to a satisfactory level. 

7. Ask for the state license: In the state of Florida, it’s required by law since 1996 for the service providers of air duct cleaning to have a permit. Ask for it before you let them work. 

Now, you’re fully equipped to hire a right service provider for air duct cleaning in Palm Beach. 

I will also suggest you to consider dryoutpro as one of the ‘golden three’ and make a truly informed decision.

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